From the Planet Buckwild

From the Planet Buckwild
Showing posts with label PLN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PLN. Show all posts

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Self Structured Learning

In a world, where walls are a thing of the past, an entire complex, digital matrix, is at our Cheeto dusted fingertips. Not physical walls, of course, that would probably be the single worst thing that ever has happened to humanity. Luckily, the walls I speak of, are walls which limit communication. Ever since scientists created a magical thing called, "the internet", new forms of communication, and learning, have arisen across the globe.
I can't even imagine how my parents got through school without google or Sparknotes or high functioning calculators. Today instead of just using the web as a way to slack off, I can also use it as a opportunity to "turbo-enhance" my learning. Previously, students only had their opinions, and the opinions of their teachers and peers, however, now, one can access the opinions of humans worldwide. Even without the ability to access online encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other information sources, we even have the opportunity to share ideas with "Real People!" Yes, real, live people with real ideas that they are willing to share, and are willing to here yours. This is great because it allows you to get a real global perspective and get a less biased brainstorming session with people other than your peers. Over all, the internet allows for great for structuring ones own learning. Magical really, just magical.