From the Planet Buckwild

From the Planet Buckwild
Showing posts with label My Insight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Insight. Show all posts

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia (Doc. Review)

So, when I was assigned this... assignment... to watch a documentary, and share my thoughts through a review, I knew just where to go.

Vice is a channel on youtube filled with interesting and compelling documentaries. On their page, they have several categories of documentaries. The largest one, and the one with most views, and by far the most interesting topics, is the one labeled "Danger".

From dog shows on acid, to Japanese suicide forests, the horrifying yet enticing stories are enough to spend hours watching. I had already seen a few, but today I chose one titled "The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia", an hourlong documentary about civil disputes in Liberia.

The fine folks over at vice were interested in what was going on in Liberia, and had been in contact with a Canadian journalist living there. A man named Shane flew to Liberia with a camera man to check things out.

Right away it was apparent that Liberia was in a pretty effed up state.
Through archival footage, Vice explained Liberia's history. Originally created by the United States for freed slaves to go to if they decided to return to Africa. However, once there, the newly instated Africans enslaved the native people and instated the same plantain methods and systems used in America. Eventually, through revolution and war, a African born man, Samuel K. Doe was elected president and the slavery ceased.
Samuel K. Doe

Shortly after the election, however, American educated rebel Charles Taylor, and his companion Prince Johnson began calling for a revolution and an end to the leadership of Doe.
Through civil war and rampage they reached the presidential house where they tortured and killed Doe, all on camera, and it is said that afterwords they cut him up, and ate him.

Gruesome, I know.

Once Taylor was in power, Liberia began to see the rise of dozens of self appointed warlords, resulting in long, horrible civil war that would devastate the country. Which leads us to today.

Liberia is a post apocalyptic wasteland with a feel and appearance of hell on earth. Shane and his Journalist contact, spoke with several ex-warlords who are now community leaders, either through self change of the conversion to christ, these mass murderers have become leaders in their societies. They work on trying to rebuild and revitalize the villages, even with the presence of the United Nations, not much is getting done at all.

The U.N officials and soldiers instated there are actually making things worse. Besides being inactive in rebuilding efforts, they often abuse drugs and prostitutes in red light districts.

And not only that, but a large threat waits at bay in the dense jungles. Rebels are amassing forces, with child soldiers and powerful weapons. The only thing keeping them at bay is the U.N, but they plan on leaving Liberia in under a year, allowing the rebels to wage war on the poor Liberians and take complete control.
This whole thing really made me think.

A while ago, I was thinking what a great idea it would be to have a worldwide governing force to work for the good of the earth, only to realize we already have one. Or, the shell of one at least.

As we progress as a race, as a species, we need to come together on this small planet we were given. Our technologies and advancements have made it nearly impossible to coexist with all of our conflicting cultures and ways of life.

It will soon be time to face these worldwide problems as a species, as Earthlings, not as divided countries or states.

Think of how much further along to being a whole people if we had a successful and active world court and governing force to deal with conflicts of the utmost importance. We would be all that much closer to being equal. Until then, I think its time we started thinking of ourselves as one people and one planet. Otherwise, we might as well accept the end of all things.

Also here are the film aspects:
Filmed with a single handheld tape camera. The only lighting was from the one mounted on the camera. Mos questions were not scripted, and there were no sets or acting or anything like that. Lots of voiceover and interview.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

power-c: The Elixir of Life

"And on the third day, God created power-c"

The year is 1364. Location, Paris, France. Nicholas Flamel is busy at work in his alchemy laboratory. Is he turning lead into gold? Creating an explosive powder or extreme power? No, he is furiously working to create the Elixir of Life, the potion that would grant him immortality at the hands of time. But what poor Nick did not know, was that the ambrosia of the gods would not come into the hands of mortals for hundreds and hundreds of years.

And now, here we are, present day, and what do I have on my desk next to me? A power-c. But I am no alchemist, I am no wizard (Well, maybe I'm a wizard), I am simply an everyday consumer. And yet, here, a mere 4 inches away from my grasp, is the potion life, the very nature of creation, and it is available to everyone! 

But how can I be sure of the mystical properties of this Vitamin Water product? Well, I'm not, but, as far as I know, I could be adding years to my life by drinking a power-c, after all, I have not yet lived long enough to find out. But what I do know, is that power-c has very powerful, magical properties. 

Some little known facts about power-c:

In Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, when Indy was poisoned by those Chinese guys, the contents of the vile that held the cure, was power-c.

In Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, the potion that Harry drank that allowed him to pass through the black fire unscathed, was power-c.

Now that I think about it, every single potion in Harry Potter with a positive effect, was actually power-c.

Those were just a few of the hundreds of examples that are evident in...history...

But as for altering my life, well, for now I must be patient, and even if it does not make me immortal. It tastes really freakin good.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Bagels: The Perfect Food?

There comes a time in every man's life, when breakfast, or an after school snack is not laid out for him by his mother or father, and he must choose what to eat. It is this free will, this choice making mechanism rooted in the core of the human mind that separates us from the animals and dictates what kind of person we are, and the life that we live. And so, when the time came for me to make a decision with unknown consequences, that could potentially alter my life for ever...

I chose bagels.

But why bagels? Why just a circlet of bread, rather than the sliced variety you or me may find in the grocery aisle. Well, a bagel is not just a ring of baked dough. But then again, it is. What makes a bagel so special is that it is a foundation, a building block, essential to the perfect snack. A bagel on its own may be dry and strange to the senses, but when toasted, a whole new world of deliciousness can be found.

But why stop there? Why stop there when there exists a supply, nay a near endless plethora of toppings. Simply embracing the amount and variety of creams and spreads seems daunting, but fear not.

As of now, my main choices of toppings are butters, creams, and spreads. Generally, my main butter is that of the peanut variety. Yes peanut butter can be used on normal bread, but it does not compare to the crisp flavor of a toasted bagel. Then creams. The largest cream family is the cheese family. Cream cheese on its own is a delicacy to say the least, but venture further, and your mind will begin to see things never thought possible. For example, a long time favorite of mine is the strawberry cream cheese. The fruity flavor mixed withe the cream consistency and the toasted bagel is enough to topple an empire. Then, there are also such exotic things such as blueberry cream cheese, and even salmon cream cheese, which I have never actually tried. In the spread, or "shmear" hierarchy exist singularities, along with alternates. There is a alternate cream cheese, and an alternate strawberry cream cheese, both different in consistency, but similar in taste. There are also such unique oddities as herbal garden shmear, packed with rich vegetables.

You need not get me started on the variety of bagels themselves, with different seed toppings and ingredients, there exists a limitless amount of possibilities for flavor combinations.

The best thing since sliced bread is already here.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Long Live Free Country U.S.A

On the fateful day, of January 1st 2000, a cataclysmic event occurred that would change my life, and everything I know, forever. That was the day that The Brothers Chaps launched

Animators Mike and Matt Chapman created the website and stocked it with there creative flash cartoons, unique sense of humour, and compelling and hilarious characters. As a child, I was captivated by the cartoons and games put up on the site, finding myself spending more time on it than watching cartoons on television, and in so many ways, the cartoons on HomestarRunner were superior to the dumbed down ones that they played on mainstream television.

The characters were unique and unlike any I had seen before. None were "human" but they were not animals either, instead a imaginative designs helped reflect the character inside. For example, a popular character, Strong Bad, was always depicted wearing boxing gloves and wearing a mexican wrestling mask, and was constantly trying to be cool, and outsmart and mess with Homestar Runner himself, a terrific athlete with no arms. The list goes on and on.

And beside the main characters, an even larger depth lay. The 'toons were riddled with side characters and variations of main characters, each one special and different in there own way.

I'm glad that the website was such a big influence on me. There was no cursing, instead they used funny phrases such as "Oh crunch berry" or "Mostly dang". There was no joking about drugs or alcohol, and it was always funny.

It was really an engaging experience, as nearly all the gags and jokes ran throughout and were hidden along in the site.

After years and years of visiting the site, I had managed to watch literally every cartoon, and play every game. I was now able to look forward to the new weekly videos. But sadly, it was short lived.'s last post was made in December of 2010, it was a "Decemberween Special" as they called it, not wanting to favor any religion, so they could appeal to all viewers.

For weeks I checked the site, waiting for a new post, but none came. I was devastated.

The website must not have been making enough money, or the creators had other things they needed to do. And so one of the greatest parts of my childhood still lays in hibernation to this day.

But I'm still hoping, still hoping that Homestar, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Marzipan, Bubs, Homsar, the dancin goblin',  the Poopsmith, and all the other colorful characters will someday return.

Friday, October 12, 2012

I Just Really Like Dr. Dog

For my first post, in which I have complete freedom to write about whatever I want, why not write about my favorite band? So, the following is nothing but a timeline and summary, of DR. DOG

Dr. Dog's first officially released album was Toothbrush. It came out in 2002, and was filled with lo-fi recordings and folky swamp music, not being to well known, their recording equipment gave a psychedelic sound and feel. 

Dr. Dog then released an EP 4 years later Takers and Leavers. The album was much less lo-fi, and there music had softened down to a core with beautiful lyrics and great harmonizing tunes, along with a great variety of instruments. (Also includes one of my favorite songs)

After Takers and Leavers came EasyBeat, released in the same year. Easy beat strayed into indie rock, while remaining reminiscent of bands such as The Beatles.

Then, in 2007, Dr. Dog released another full album, We All Belong. We All Belong was a real taste of Dr. Dog's unique style of music. Implementing string, percussion and wind, they wrapped together an album with feel good songs, catchy tunes, and meaningful lyrics.

In 2008, Dr. Dog released their next album, Fate. When I first began listing to Dr. Dog, Fate was my favorite album. Just the incredible variety in music i displayed was incredible. Unlike most bands I had listened to, their songs didn't all sound the same. Some tracks were happy and quick while others were sad and rueful, and near the end, a few extreme blues and rock songs.

Dr. Dog's next album was released in 2010, and named Shame, Shame. Shame, Shame was full of beautiful harmonies, along with piano and organs. Along with a broad brass section.

This year, Dr. Dog released two albums, the first one. Be the Void was mostly a ballad of indie rock, and there on musical style, using many interesting instruments and noises out of the ordinary, but sounding great as a whole.

And the most recent album is Wild Race, released this month, it's very much more rock and role, while keeping the great indie vibe.