From the Planet Buckwild

From the Planet Buckwild

Friday, October 12, 2012

I Just Really Like Dr. Dog

For my first post, in which I have complete freedom to write about whatever I want, why not write about my favorite band? So, the following is nothing but a timeline and summary, of DR. DOG

Dr. Dog's first officially released album was Toothbrush. It came out in 2002, and was filled with lo-fi recordings and folky swamp music, not being to well known, their recording equipment gave a psychedelic sound and feel. 

Dr. Dog then released an EP 4 years later Takers and Leavers. The album was much less lo-fi, and there music had softened down to a core with beautiful lyrics and great harmonizing tunes, along with a great variety of instruments. (Also includes one of my favorite songs)

After Takers and Leavers came EasyBeat, released in the same year. Easy beat strayed into indie rock, while remaining reminiscent of bands such as The Beatles.

Then, in 2007, Dr. Dog released another full album, We All Belong. We All Belong was a real taste of Dr. Dog's unique style of music. Implementing string, percussion and wind, they wrapped together an album with feel good songs, catchy tunes, and meaningful lyrics.

In 2008, Dr. Dog released their next album, Fate. When I first began listing to Dr. Dog, Fate was my favorite album. Just the incredible variety in music i displayed was incredible. Unlike most bands I had listened to, their songs didn't all sound the same. Some tracks were happy and quick while others were sad and rueful, and near the end, a few extreme blues and rock songs.

Dr. Dog's next album was released in 2010, and named Shame, Shame. Shame, Shame was full of beautiful harmonies, along with piano and organs. Along with a broad brass section.

This year, Dr. Dog released two albums, the first one. Be the Void was mostly a ballad of indie rock, and there on musical style, using many interesting instruments and noises out of the ordinary, but sounding great as a whole.

And the most recent album is Wild Race, released this month, it's very much more rock and role, while keeping the great indie vibe.

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