From the Planet Buckwild

From the Planet Buckwild

Monday, February 18, 2013

60 Second Film Challenge (Or, An Evening in Bluglario)

So, recently, my classmates and I were visited by a couple a' brits, 14 to be exact. Coincidentally, 8 of them were in my class. Needless to say, we had a riot. Among those riots, the less violent ones consisted of often creative outbursts, including the one above.

After finding used mechanical equipment and test tubes in a garbage bag, me and my brits and some other guy made this short film roughly based off of a true story.

Amidst the brain damage caused by time travel and loss of arm bones due to a real life wizard battle, there was a glorious and beautiful time of imagination, story makin' and good old timey fun.

Rubric Stuff:
We were told to make a short film incorporating a random object we would pick. I picked mechanical junk. We made time travelling wizards.
The process showed me the importance of planning out film projects and not, "freestyle filming."
I'm definitely going to be planning out most of my future projects from now on.

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